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Новое исследование близнецов подтверждает пользу диеты без мяса
By ISKCON News   |  Янв 07, 2024

In a recent study of 22 sets of twins published in the Journals of the American Medical Association (JAMA Network), researchers found that “a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardiometabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet.”

The results confirm earlier findings from researchers in Norway, which showed a plant-based diet can add up to 10 years to one’s life. You can read the full study здесь. Netflix has recently included a multi-part серия on the eight-week experiment with twins.

ISKCON devotees advocate a lacto-vegetarian diet, strictly avoiding meat, fish, and eggs. More than just practicing a vegetarian diet, members actively promote vegetarianism through education, highly acclaimed cookbooks, and nearly 100 Hare Krishna restaurants worldwide.

A delicious plate of prasadam (sanctified food) from the Prasadarians Plus Facebook group where nearly 50,000 members share photos and recipes.

Feature Photo by Becerra Govea.

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