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New Vaishnavi Regional Ministers Appointed
By Radha devi dasi, ISKCON Vaishnavi Minister   |  Сен 26, 2020

Radha devi dasi, ISKCON’s GBC Vaishnavi Minister, recently announced the appointment of regional ministers in South Africa, the UK, Brazil and Mexico. Regional ministers serve as the liaisons for the Vaishnavi Ministry and develop programs for the care of Vaishnavis in their areas. 

Krsangi Radhe devi dasi is a disciple of Indradyumna Swami and the Vaishnavi Minister in South Africa.  She is a second generation Vaishnavi and also serves as the Durban Temple Public Relations manager. Her professional work includes education and empowerment coaching.

Madhavi devi dasi is a disciple of  Giriraj Swami and currently serves as the Vaishnavi Minister in the UK.  She is a corporate commercial lawyer and serves with the UK’s GBC Secretary as well as ISKCON’s Global property office.  She is a member of Bhaktivedanta Manor’s board and is the founder of DEVI- Devotional Empowerment Voluntary Initiative, an initiative that works to empower, inspire, connect and protect women and girls.  

Madhavi Dasi

Gitamrta devi dasi is the Vaishnavi Minister for ISKCON Brazil and a disciple of Hrydayananda Goswami.  She is professor at the University of Pernambuco, a founding member of ISKCON Brazil’s Women’s Department, and the head of the Worship Department in Brazil.

Alaksya devi dasi is the Vaishnavi Minister for ISKCON Mexico and a disciple of Hrydayananda Goswami.  She is involved in many aspects of the Mexican yatra, including congregational programs, organizing harinam festivals, and devotee care initiatives.  She is currently collaborating with members of Latin America’s regional governing body on a devotee care project.     

They join current regional ministers, Krishnarupa devi dasi in Australia, Govinda Priya devi dasi in North America, and Sati devi dasi and Ekanga devi dasi in Russia and the former Soviet Union. 

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More information about the Vaishnavi Ministry can be found on our website at vaishnaviministry.org.  They currently have many service opportunities available, including regional organizers, website developers/managers, writers, and research assistants. Interested Vaishnavis should contact Radha devi dasi at vaishnaviministry@gmail.com.


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