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New Vrindaban Hosts the World’s Most Famous Bush Doctor
By Rita Gupta   |  Окт 31, 2009

On October 28, New Vrindaban Community in West Viriginia, USA, hosted the world’s most famous bush doctor. Dr. Landveld manufactures natural medicines from plants, roots, tree barks, carrots, fruit and lianas from the Amazonian rainforest of Suriname. Suriname, which is bordered by Brazil, Guyana, and French Guiana, hosts one of the Earth’s last remaining virgin rain forests.

What is unique about Dr. Landveld’s work is the fact that he is producing the medicines in compliance with international safety standards. All his remedies are tested and proven through modern scientific research. The international community is taking note. In 2006, he received the prestigious Case in Point Platinum Category Award in Paris, France. In 2005, he received the Century International Gold Quality Era Award in Geneva, Switzerland.

“I was extremely interested and impressed with New Vrindaban’s Small Farm Training Center. I gained valuable information about the indigenous plants in West Viriginia,” said Dr. Landveld. “Moreover, the Center’s motto is ‘simple living and high thinking.’ This describes the micro-lending program I am organizing for peasant women in Suriname. I will definitely visit New Vrindaban on my next visit to this area.”

Dr. Landveld’s visit to New Vridnaban ended with an extended tour of Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold. “We have many Krishna temples in Suriname. We also have many Christians, Jews, and Muslims, and people live together peacefully. But I have never seen anything as wonderful as New Vrindaban’s Palace of Gold,” said Dr. Heijnes Landveld. Dr. Landveld spent ten days in Wheeling, USA, visiting area schools and meeting local dignitaries. “I had my itinerary all planned for my final day in Wheeling. But I canceled all my appointments and spent the entire day in New Vrindaban.”

For more information about New Vrindaban Community, contact (304) 843-1600 x105 or info108@aol.com. For more information about Dr. Heijnes Landveld or his medical practice, visit http://www.odany-jewa.com/

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