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Nrsimha Stotram
By ISKCON News Staff   |  Апр 30, 2007

All glories to Nrisimhadeva, who is the Lord of Prahlada Maharaja and, like the honey bee, is always engaged in beholding the lotus-like face of the goddess of fortune.

svasty astu vishvasyakhalah prasidatamdhyayantu bhutanishivam mitho dhiya

namash cha bhadrambhajatad adhokshajeaveshyatam no matirapy ahaituki

May there be good fortune throughout the universe, and may all envious persons be pacified. May all living entities become calm by practicing bhakti-yoga, for by accepting devotional service they will think of each other’s welfare. Therefore, let us all engage in the service of the supreme transcendence, Lord Sri Krishna, and always remain absorbed in thought of Him. ("Шримад-Бхагаватам", 5.18.9)


ito nrisimhah parato nrisimho

yato yato yami tato nrisimhah

bahir nrisimho hridaye nrisimho

nrisimham adim sharanam prapadye

Lord Nrisimha is here and also there. Wherever I go Lord Nrisimha is there. He is in the heart and is outside as well. I surrender to Lord Nrisimha, the origin of all things and the supreme refuge.

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