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Odyssey Covers the Interfaith Embrace of Occupy Wall Street
By Contributor   |  Окт 22, 2011

Whether protesters are religious or not, occupation requires a leap of faith

New York, NY (Oct 20) — Odyssey Networks tells stories of faith in action, stories that are changing the world. This week, Odyssey released two new video stories about the interfaith community’s support of Occupy Wall Street that give a new perspective on the movement and its message.

Over 260 diverse faith communities and leaders have now signed on to a statement of solidarity with the “spirit” of Occupy Wall Street, girding the month-old movement with a “moral and spiritual statement in support of a new democratic energy,” according to Rev. Dr. Donna Schaper, Sr. Minister at Judson Memorial Church.

“Our traditions are clear: the impoverishment of the many for the benefit of the few destroys us all,” says the statement. The multi-faith coalition of Buddhists, Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Pagans, and many other traditions, translates and articulates the core message and demand of the worldwide Occupy movement via their common tenets: compassion, mercy, justice, and human dignity. “There are times we can put our different beliefs aside and come together for a common cause – that is social justice, economic justice,” says Rev. Sheldon Hamblin of The Church of the Nativity in Brooklyn, NY.

The interfaith support group has become known by the “golden calf” rendering carried by men in suits, the symbol of our financial sector’s lack of displaying those common faith tenets. The calf makes its way each Sunday afternoon into Zuccotti Park for an inter-faith service, inspirational songs, and prayer vigils. The calf represents the greed and callousness embodied in the famous Wall Street bull statue, reminiscent of the false idol made in a moment of fear and faithlessness while the Israelites wandered the desert in Genesis.

“This is basically a very fundamental moral and ethical issue,” says Bhikkhu Bodhi, Chairperson of Buddhist Global Relief. “The question is, what kind of society do we want?

Watch the stories “Faith on the Street” and “Voices from Zuccotti Park” at www.odysseynetworks.org.

About Odyssey Networks : Established in 1987, Odyssey Networks is a service of the National Interfaith Cable Coalition, Inc. It has over 100 denominational, organizational and individual members, representing Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Baha’i, Sikh, and Hinduism. Odyssey tells stories of faith in action – stories that are changing the world. For more information, visit www.odysseynetworks.org.

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