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In One Month: Ukraine Ranked One of the World’s Worst Refugee Crises
By Kamala Radha devi dasi   |  Мар 26, 2022

Ukrainian Refugees in Tiszabecs-Tas Balogh, Hungary


We are now one month into the Russian Ukrainian conflict and more than 3.7 million Ukrainians have had to leave their home country.

There are now almost as many Ukrainian refugees as there were Afghan refugees fleeing the (first) Taliban regime in 2001, according to figures compiled by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). They represent about 9.1% of Ukraine’s pre-invasion population of about 41.1 million – ranking the current crisis 16th among 28 major refugee crises by share of population.

Earlier this week, UNHCR head Filippo Grandi estimated that, all told, 10 million Ukrainians – nearly a quarter of the population – had been displaced either internally or externally.

Sources: PEW Research Center, Washington Post


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