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Online Course Offers an Exploration of the Vedic Universe with Devotee Scientist
By Thomas Haribol, ISKCON News Managing Editor   |  Авг 13, 2023

The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) will offer an Online Cosmology Seminar from September 24-October, 9, 2023. The instructor for this informative offering will be Giridhari Dasa (Dr. Tiziano Valentinuzzi). 

Giridhari holds a Ph.D. in Astronomy from Padua University (Italy) and has studied Vedic scriptures for nearly 30 years. His extensive research on Vastu, Vedic Sciences, and Bhakti Yoga has been conducted under the spiritual guidance of Radhanath Swami. He is also a member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Studies (BIHS) research team, where he studies the cosmology and astronomy of the ancient Vedic texts.

He first became interested in Vedic Cosmology in 1997, and when asked about the differences between the paradigms taught in classical Western science and the Vedic scriptures, Giridhari noted, “They are not so different; actually, we just need to connect the views and read properly what Sukadeva Goswami was telling us so that the devotees can relish the profound truth of Srimad Bhagavatam.”

This seminar is especially timely as NASA’s James Web Space Telescope is providing new data that is seemingly overturning some long-held theories (or causing scientists to rethink their assumptions) regarding the origins and nature of our universe. 

Giridhari continued, “The planets, stars, and their movements are telling us the beauty of the Universe and thus the beauty of Krishna; that’s why we need to understand them properly.”

The seminar, which requires the completion of a Bhakti-sastri certificate to register, will cover topics such as

• The vertical arrangements of the planets

• A description of the Bhu-mandala   

• The Loka-loka mountain

• The movements of the sun, and

• The Srimad-Bhagavatam and astronomical observations

It will consist of a total of six enlightening sessions, providing a comprehensive understanding of the fascinating world of cosmology. Sessions will be held on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM (IST).

For further details of the seminar, contact: +918979943134 or +91 88690 53796 (WhatsApp or call) or email courses@vihe.org

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