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Ушел из жизни Радха Дамодар Дас, один из первых советских преданных
By ISKCON News Staff   |  Сен 05, 2016

Radha Damodar Das, One of the First Devotees in the Soviet Union passed away on September 3rd evening succumbing to lung cancer.

ISKCON Communications Director Anuttama Dasa remembers: 

“Radha Damodara prabhu was a true, humble and dedicated servant of his guru maharaja and Srila Prabhupada. Despite the dangers and troubles of being a Krishna devotee in the early years in Russia, Radha Damodara was fully committed to Lord Caitanya’s mission.

Later as leader of the Communications team in Russia he was a steady and sattvic voice, looking towards the long term development of our society while dealing appropriately with short term challenges and opportunities. 

Radha Damodar prabhu was a Vaishnava gentleman. He didn’t just talk about devotion, he was a practical example of a dedicated Krishna conscious person. He was an inspiration for many devotees, both inside Russia and beyond. He was a kind person, a thoughtful person. A true friend.  

He will be sorely missed.”

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