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The Sanga Initiative Hosts Jagattarini Devi Dasi for a Deep Dive into Damodara Lila
By ISKCON News   |  Ноя 06, 2023

The Sanga Initiative (TSI), a grassroots effort led by young devotees to provide sanga and spiritual formation through in-person and online events, aims to create “a network of young devotees that support and empower each other to become leaders for the next and future generations of ISKCON.” One of their latest efforts is the Kartik Immersion online sanga.

Although registration for live participation in the series has closed, the group is sharing recordings of the multi-part program with the global ISKCON family. See the graphic below for upcoming topics in November.

The series, which began with an intention-setting session, welcomed its first teacher, HG Jagattarini Devi Dasi, on November 2nd. She guided listeners on a Deep Dive into Damodara Lila and the commentary from Sanatana Goswami. A well-known and much-appreciated teacher and master storyteller, Jagattarini continues to creatively use her many gifts in Krishna’s service, including the stunning Sacred India Gallery on a scenic 5-acre property in the Swan Valley Region of Western Australia.

You can watch her recorded Zoom presentation здесь. By subscribing to the Sanga Initiative’s YouTube channel, you ensure you will get all future offerings to be released in the coming weeks.

To learn more about the Sanga Initiative, visit their сайт, Facebook ссылка, или Инстаграм.

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