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Seva Care: Creating a Culture of Conscious Caring in Alachua
By Atma Tattva Das, ISKCON News Staff Writer   |  Окт 06, 2024

In Alachua, Florida, a significant initiative called Seva Care (formerly Southcare), originally started by Sukhada Devi Dasi, Mulaka Devi Dasi, and Rasa Devi Dasi and now being carried forward by Tamohara Dasa and Madhuryalila Devi Dasi, is dedicated to providing practical and spiritual support through various programs to enhance the devotee community’s well-being.

Seva Care began with a desire to serve and uplift the large and growing devotee community in Alachua. The vision included supporting devotees during significant life transitions, especially those facing end-of-life circumstances. From these early efforts, a more comprehensive mission emerged: fostering a culture of care within the community that goes beyond just physical support. “Our main focus,” Madhuryalila explained, “is to develop the consciousness of caring in our community through various programs like Devotee Care, Meals on Wheels, and End of Life Care.”

Sacred Care Kits
One of Seva Care’s most innovative aspects is the “Sacred Care Kits,” now referred to as the “Sacred Care Body, Mind, Soul” kits. While the kits have become a popular offering, they are not the primary focus of Seva Care’s mission. Instead, they fall under the End of Life Care program, which itself is just one part of the larger Seva Care organization.

The Sacred Care Kits are designed as a holistic tool, offering spiritual and emotional support to devotees during significant life events. They contain sacred items, such as Ganges water, Tulasi beads, and prayers, meant to provide comfort and auspiciousness. Although initially created with End of Life Care in mind, the Seva Care team is now shifting the emphasis of these kits to a broader purpose. Madhuryalila shared. “We are shifting our emphasis to more of an auspicious kit to have in one’s possession for various occasions such as celebrations of birthdays, anniversaries, job promotions, or any life event.”

By expanding the scope of the Sacred Care Kits, Seva Care ensures that devotees can experience the blessings and comfort these sacred items provide in joyful moments as well as challenging ones. “The kits are one small way to serve the community,” Tamohara added, underscoring that their work encompasses much more.

Meals on Wheels
In addition to the Sacred Care Kits, Seva Care runs other vital programs, including Meals on Wheels, a service designed to support devotees with nourishing meals. “We recognized the need to provide care not only at the end of life but throughout the different stages of living,” said Madhuryalila. By delivering prasadam, the team addresses devotees’ physical and spiritual nourishment, ensuring that those in need are cared for holistically.

Devotee Care
Devotee Care, another core pillar of Seva Care, provides ongoing emotional and spiritual support to community members. It offers counseling, companionship, and other resources to help devotees navigate life’s challenges. Together, these programs form the foundation of Seva Care’s broader mission to foster a culture of compassionate care.Like any initiative, Seva Care has faced its share of challenges. Despite these setbacks, its commitment to the mission has remained unwavering, and it is continually finding ways to improve and expand its services.

One of the triumphs they shared was the overwhelmingly positive response from the community. Devotees have expressed gratitude for the support they’ve received, whether through a warm meal delivered to their doorstep or the comfort provided by the care kits during times of transition. “It’s incredibly heartwarming to see how these small acts of care can make such a big difference,” Madhuryalila reflected.

Взгляд в будущее:
As Seva Care continues to grow, the team has big plans for the future. Beyond the programs currently in place, they are looking at ways to deepen their engagement with the community. Their focus remains on fostering a culture of care that permeates every aspect of devotee life. “We’re really just getting started,” Madhuryalila said, hinting at the exciting developments ahead.

For those interested in learning more about Seva Care or how to get involved, the team invites devotees to connect through their Facebook pages, Seva Care и End of Life Care Alachua. While their website is currently under development, Tamohara was hopeful it would be up soon. “We’ve had a few hitches along the way, but we hope to have it up and running in a week or two,” he shared.

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