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Urgent Prayer Request for Mahatma Das
By ISKCON News   |  Сен 22, 2024

In a social media post from Radhapriya Devi Dasi who serves as secretary to Mahatma Das, she said, “After routine testing, Mahatma Das’s doctors discovered a significant blockage in his arteries, requiring urgent surgery. To prevent a potential heart attack, they have scheduled the heart surgery for Monday, September 23, from 7 am to 12 pm EDT in Gainesville, Florida.

We kindly ask for your prayers for a smooth and successful procedure and recovery. During this time, he requests that no messages or emails be sent directly to him, as he would like to rest and recover peacefully.

The nature of the procedure will allow him to walk on the same day, but if you have any business with him, please wait a few days before reaching out.

Your prayers and support mean a lot to him, and we are deeply grateful for your understanding.”

For the latest updates on his condition, please follow his Facebook ссылка.

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