Ачарья-основатель Его Божественная Милость
А.Ч. Бхактиведанта Свами Прабхупада

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Vaisnavi Retreat: For Women By Women
By   |  Сен 18, 2007

The first Vaisnavi Retreat: For Women By Women will be held on October 5th, 6th, and 7th In New Vrindaban, West Virginia, USA.

Rejuvenate yourself amidst scenic fall foliage in New Vrindaban for a weekend with distinguished Vaishnavi’s featuring:

  • Discourses, Seminars, Workshops, Interactive Presentations
  • Courses in Shastra, Yoga, Massage, Health, Healing
  • Healthy Prasad prepared with love
  • Campfire Bhajans & Satsang
  • Intimate morning with Srila Prabhupada in His Palace.

Hosted by your servant, Malati devi dasi.

$151 includes all meals and presentations (accommodation not included in this fee) to be paid upon arrival (discounts available for Residential Temple devotees).

For accommodation, call 304-843-1600 ext. 111, Mention “Retreat” for discount!

Nearest airport: Pittsburgh, PA

Nearest bus station: Wheeling, WV

Pick up service available for a small charge.

For Registration, Pick-ups and Info contact: Servingkrishna@aol.com


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