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We All Have The Opportunity To Save Lives
By Chaitanya Charan Das   |  Апр 10, 2020

During a pandemic, the medical care providers are the frontline warriors. By their courageous and competent actions, they can save people’s lives. When the pandemic forces the rest of us into inactivity, we may feel we aren’t doing anything worthwhile, certainly nothing as worthwhile as saving lives. 

Actually, we all have the opportunity to save lives. How? By understanding what life is and what saving it means. Is life just our present bodily existence? If yes, then saving lives is nothing more than delaying death. We all are destined to die — if not now because of the pandemic, then later because of some other cause. Does that mean saving lives physically is pointless? No, because life itself is not pointless. Life is meaningful because it is an opportunity to transcend death and help others do the same. 

Gita wisdom explains that life comes from the soul, and the soul is eternal. Our human consciousness is developed enough to perceive that life is meant for something more, something non-material, something enduring. If we act on that nascent perception by studying wisdom-texts such as the Bhagavad-gita and practicing spiritual processes such as bhakti-yoga, we can realize our eternality and relish an immortal loving connection with the supreme spiritual reality, Krishna. Pertinently, the Bhagavad-gita (08.07) urges us to constantly cultivate spiritual growth by remembering Krishna. 

If we miss the opportunity to grow spiritually, then we waste our life. If we tap that opportunity, then we save our life — we save ourselves from continuing in the cycle of birth and death. And if we can help allay others’ pandemic-induced anxiety by sharing spiritual wisdom with them and inspire them to grow spiritually, then we can help save their lives too. 

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