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World Charity Day Celebrated With Food Distribution
By Kata Fodor   |  Сен 07, 2013

In 2012, accepting a motion by the Republic of Hungary, the United Nations declared September 5th, the date of the death of legendary Catholic missionary Mother Theresa of Kolkata to be the International Day of Charity.

 On this day, devotees and volunteers of the Hungarian Society for Krishna Consciousness held a special free food distribution program in the heart of Hungary’s capital Budapest, serving 500 plates of hot delicious vegetarian meal, yoghurt, fruits and sweets hourly.

Day of Charity

Elderly lady arriving at the free food distribution spot in Budapest

“We gladly take part in the World Charity Day, as our program, which had been serving the needy for decades now, was also started by a Kolkata-born holy man, ISKCON-founder A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who, by seeing children fighting for food with stray dogs, compassionately expressed his desire to not to let anyone roaming hungry within the ten mile radius of any ISKCON centers” – ISKCON Hungary’s Food For Life program spokesperson Gandharvika Prema Dasi explaines.

 Day of Charity

People were served delicious hot vegetarian meal as well as snacks 

“The special charisma, kindness and dedication towards the distressed expressed by both Mother Theresa of Kolkata and A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada set a very compelling example for us 21st century people” – she continues. “So far we have been distributing free hot meal five days a week in Budapest and many other cities in Hungary. Seeing the need, now, we are going to extend our program for the weekends as well. After all, for the members of our organization every day should be a Day of Charity.” 

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