A young devotee named Bhakta Kevin, serving at the Los Angeles New Dwaraka temple has broken multiple book distribution records enthusiastically distributing stacks of Srila Prabhupada's books newly translated into the Farsi language. As soon …
The Food For Life Monterrey team of devotees is joyfully distributing prasadam and the holy names in Mexico's second-largest city, bringing spiritual and physical nourishment to the community’s most needy populations.
The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT) held an online Live to Give 2023 Celebration call on Sunday, January 28th, hosted by HG Vaisesika Dasa, who shared the results of the combined efforts of devotees worldwide. The …
ISKCON Ayodhya distributes prasadam to over 100,000 visitors on the on January 15th, 2024, the occasion of Makar Sankranti. Vinay Bhushan Chaitanya Das, the director of "Food for Life," quoted Srila Prabhupada's iconic words that …
In the quaint villages and bustling towns of Norfolk, a retired couple, Shyamlal Prabhu and Danakeli Mataji, have embarked on a remarkable 175,000-mile book distribution journey in the last seven years, leaving an indelible mark …
Food for All-UK, famous for its courageous food distribution in areas plagued by natural disasters or war, recently distributed thousands of Srila Prabhupada's books to some of the nearly 250 schools in the Vrindavan area.
His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada's marathon in France is considered by many to be in a category of its own. Some devotees say that France is one of the most challenging places to distribute books, …
Bhakti House at ISKCON Orlando brought a joyful and inspiring presence to the city's annual VegFest 2023 event held on October 28th. Devotees provided a booth filled with transcendental literature and devotional items, while kirtaneers …
Known for its creative and successful outreach efforts, ISKCON Tucson integrated its first Ratha Yatra event into the city's 34th annual All Souls' Procession on Nov. 5, 2023.