Amidst the mystical glaciers, geysers, and volcanoes of Iceland, a spiritual revolution is quietly taking shape. Gaura Bhagavan Das and his wife, Dayarupa Devi Dasi, have embarked on an extraordinary journey to establish ISKCON (International …
Madhav Das, a 12-year-old boy from Mayapur living with his parents, Acintya Caitanya Das Adhikary and Dr. Shiromani Devi Dasi, recently distributed over 13,000 books in just six months. Acknowledged for his unwavering dedication, he …
On Saturday, March 30, 2024, our local Vaishnavas CARE Team Volunteers and several ISKCON Philadelphia congregational members decorated 200 "Spring Baskets" with organic fruit first offered to Lord Krishna along with fresh baked "Srila Prabhupada …
There is a new sankirtan sensation in New Zealand that is creating a fire of enthusiasm and camaraderie in the community. It is called the "One Book A Day" challenge (OBAD) and was initiated by …
Over Easter weekend, the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah, hosted thousands of guests for the 29th annual Festival of Colors. Many regard this annual celebration as the most iconic Holi celebration …
On December 26th, 2023, around 25 ISKCON youth from around the world gathered at the Senator Hotel in Kolkata for the 2nd Annual Global Youth Retreat in Kolkata and Mayapur. The much anticipated transformative 10-day …
In September of 2023, Kesava Dasa and Kesava Priya Dasi arrived in Ghana, West Africa, at the invitation of Srivas Vanacari, the Zonal Secretary for West Africa, to assist with college preaching as well as …
In Kenya's rich and diverse cultural tapestry, where traditions blend harmoniously within a variegated contemporary Africa, emerges a compelling narrative of heritage, spirituality, and music embodied by Harikanta Devi Dasi, a fourth-generation Indian Kenyan whose …
A young devotee named Bhakta Kevin, serving at the Los Angeles New Dwaraka temple has broken multiple book distribution records enthusiastically distributing stacks of Srila Prabhupada's books newly translated into the Farsi language. As soon …