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A Translation Milestone Achieved with Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto One Now in Turkish Language
By Atma Tattva Das, ISKCON News Staff Writer   |  Jul 23, 2024

Sivarama Swami presents the new Turkish Srimad-Bhagavatam at New Vraja-dhama in Hungary.

The first edition of Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto One in Turkish has recently been published after years of dedicated effort. This project was led by Nrsimha Krishna Das and his wife, Krsnamala Devi of ISKCON Turkiye. The new volume was recently presented to their spiritual master, Sivarama Swami, at New Vraja-dhama in Hungary.

Nrsimha Krishna Das, who serves as the Zonal Supervisor for ISKCON Turkiye, has been instrumental in steering this ambitious project. Based in Istanbul, he oversees all ISKCON activities across Turkiye. In a recent interview, he shared insights into the journey, challenges, and triumphs involved in bringing the Srimad-Bhagavatam to Turkish readers.

Reflecting on the inspiration behind the project, Nrsimha Krishna said, “What motivates me actually is to please Srila Prabhupada and my Guru Maharaj. It’s my life and soul to have Prabhupada’s books in Turkish and distribute them in the country or Turkish-speaking areas.” His vision was also fueled by the profound impact that Prabhupada’s teachings had on his own life and the desire to share that wisdom with Turkish-speaking people who may not be fluent in English.

The translation process, however, was fraught with challenges. Turkiye, being a predominantly Muslim country, presents a unique cultural and linguistic landscape. “Translation is really challenging because it’s a completely new literature for the Turkish community,” he explained. The team faced difficulties in accurately conveying the timeless philosophy that Srila Prabhupada is sharing while ensuring the text remained accessible and authentic. “We have identified unique Turkish words that carry Srila Prabhupada’s message well for our target audience. These ‘wordings’ are what we use to correspond to certain English expressions, and it is very helpful now,” he explained.

Despite these challenges, the successful completion of the first volume was a collaborative effort. Nandita played a pivotal role as the main translator, supported by a dedicated team of editors and proofreaders, including Hari-Bhakti, Meghambhari, and Vraja Mohini. Navina-Kumari meticulously handled the design and layout, while Harideva, Dina-Bandhu, and Nrsimha Krishna managed the logistics of printing and delivery.

This collaborative spirit was crucial for the project’s success. “It’s a real team effort. Krishna sent devotees over time, and now we have a good system and a good team,” Nrsimha Krishna remarked. He emphasized the volunteer nature of their work, with everyone contributing out of devotion rather than for financial gain.

Offering the first volume to Sivarama Swami was a moment of immense joy and fulfillment for Nrsimha Krishna and his wife. “When I saw Sivarama Swami Maharaj holding the Bhagavatam in his hand, his face lit up, his smile was amazing. He was very, very happy,” he recalled with warmth. This gesture symbolized the culmination of their hard work and the blessings of their spiritual guide.

Looking ahead, the Turkish yatra has ambitious plans to continue translating and publishing subsequent cantos of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. “We are working on the Second Canto and also on the Krishna book in full form,” Nrsimha Krishna shared. Additionally, they plan to publish smaller books and undertake various community projects, including Food for Life and yoga preaching.

In reflecting on this milestone, Nrsimha Krishna offered valuable advice to other devotees considering similar translation projects. “If we sincerely do the needful, Krishna will provide. We should be active, preach, and follow Prabhupada’s instructions,” he advised, emphasizing the importance of being dedicated and proactively engaged.

He also highlighted the importance of reaching out to Turkish people living abroad. “There are a lot of Turkish people living outside of Turkiye, and I would encourage them to contact us to order or buy Srila Prabhupada’s books that have been translated into Turkish,” he emphasized, inviting the global Turkish diaspora to connect with the spiritual heritage offered by these translations.

To learn more about the project and how you may be involved or to order Srila Prabhupada’s books in Turkish, you can email Nrsimha Krishna Das here.
