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B.V. Narayana Maharaja Passes Away
By ISKCON News Service   |  Dec 30, 2010

His Holiness B.V. Narayana Maharaja, a prominent Vaishnava leader, passed away at 3:00am on the morning of December 29th in the holy city of Jagannath Puri, India.

Maharaja passed away due to complications from inoperable stage-4 colorectal cancer, which he was diagnosed with in mid-September. He was eighty-nine years old.

A disciple of Bhakti Prajnana Keshava Maharaja—himself one of the foremost disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati—Narayana Maharaja served the Gaudiya Vaishnava community as a sannyasi for fifty-eight years. He was the founder-acharya of the Bhakti TRUST (an independent organization not affiliated with ISKCON).

The editors of ISKCON News offer our sincere condolences to the disciples and followers of His Holiness Narayana Maharaja at this time.

Tag: death