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BBT Is Looking for Graphic Designers
By Kaishori Dasi   |  Nov 10, 2017

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust has made the folloing announcement: 

Are you a graphic designer? We’d like to hear from you!

The BBT is looking for a new cover design for the book The Journey of Self-Discovery, a collection of Srila Prabhupada’s articles from Back to Godhead magazine. This book has been in print for almost thirty years and is ready for a new, exciting, updated cover that will attract modern readers to Srila Prabhupada’s timeless wisdom.

The BBT is casting a wide net to find ISKCON’s best designers. We’re offering a $250.00 US honorarium (and a copy of the printed book) to the designer with the winning cover. Win or not, if you have both skill and talent, entering could lead to future service with the BBT.

If you’d like to participate in this little competition, please read some or all of the book. You can find it here:

In your design you can use your own images, images from stock photo sites, devotional paintings, or photos of Srila Prabhupada.

To access lo-res images of BBT art and photos of Srila Prabhupada to use in your design, you can use the North European BBT’s online catalogue: – to search by keyword, you’ll have to create an account.

Or, go to and look under the “art” tab.

Deadline is December 10, 2017. Submit up to five designs to

Questions? Please write to Kaisori Devi Dasi at the above address.

Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing your work.

Tag: bbt , design