Whether it’s the coldest pre-dawn hours of winter, or the staggering heat of May and June, the external conditions in Vrindavan are far from perfect.
When we forget that divine connectivity and try to harness nature for our separate and selfish purposes, she sometimes unleashes her divine fury.
In general, accepting criticism is the ability to stay strong and to expand. Today people cannot handle criticism. Even the thought of it throws their status quo out of control.
Some people say, “Everything is God’s plan.” Is it really? Are our mistakes his plan? If some people become alcoholics or commit suicide, did God plan that they ruin their lives?
Srila Prabhupada's role as a social innovator is sometimes overlooked when we speak about Krishna consciousness. It deserves greater emphasis.
“Truth isn’t truth.” Recently Rudy Giuliani uttered this statement on a television interview. It bewildered some and angered others. What was Giuliani trying to say?
Our "Paramahamster" comic strip follows an enthusiastic devotee as he navigates a 9 - 5 work day in the corporate world. Please check back weekly for new episodes!
While navigating through life’s inevitable challenges, we often increase our burdens by uncritically accepting prevailing definitions of success as our life’s goals.
Absolute privacy is a myth. Modern technology with its security cameras, internet cookies and shopping-lists from our loyalty cards ensures that we are now more highly monitored than ever before.