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Comedian Russel Brand Buys Vegan Cookies For Entire ‘Re:Birth’ Audience
By Nadia Murray-Ragg   |  Mar 22, 2018

Comedian Russell Brand is currently touring the UK and Ireland as part of his humor-laden stand-up comedy show, Re:Birth. News recently broke that the generous vegetarian celebrity brought the whole of his sold-out Swansea audience food from a local eatery, Govinda’s Vegetarian and Vegan Cafe.

Brand’s audience at the performing arts center, Swansea’s Grand Theatre on Tuesday evening this week were treated to vegan Hare Krishna cookies; the massive order was reportedly paid for by the comedian himself. Considering the theatre boasts 1,014 seats in the large auditorium, the eatery was busy making batches upon batches of cookies for the appreciative guests.

The award-winning eatery’s General Manager, Danda-Krt Dasa, and his team went to the theatre prior to the show starting and placed the cookies for show guests. According to Wales Online, these cookies aptly had a picture of Russell Brand and the phrase “Hare Krishna.” This phrase is a globally recognized name for a faith movement with roots in the Hindu religion.

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