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Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Sworn With the Bhagavad Gita Once Again
By India New England News   |  Jan 12, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC–Last week Congresswoman Tulsi  Gabbard (D-Hawaii) celebrated her re-election to US House of Representatives and  was sworn into session. She took her oath of office on the Bhagavad Gita once again.

After the ceremony, family, friends, and supporters gathered together and visited Rep. Gabbard and congratulated her.

“Tulsi shared how the Bhagavad Gita continues to serve as an inspiration in her life, and how grateful she is to the people of Hawaii for allowing her to continue to serve in Congress,” said a statement from her office. Separately, sealing a historic breakthrough for Indian-Americans, five were sworn-in on earlier this month as members of the US Congress — one of them, Kamala Harris, becoming the first to become a Senator.

Ami Bera, who was the only Indian-American in the 435-member House of Representatives and re-elected in the November elections, was joined by the four others, increasing the Indian-American contingent to five members in the Congress.

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