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Dance Through the City of My Soul
By Acyuta Gopi   |  Dec 21, 2018

Oh my Lord of golden limbs
Raised hands
And love drunk eyes,
Cause a revolution
In my heart!
Strike down the barriers
Of my judgmental mind
Break down the doors
Of my selfish defenses
And overturn
The tyrannical reign
Of my tormented ego.
I have been under the rule
Of my desires
For far too long.
I’m afraid
I won’t be able to break ties
With my dysfunctional mind
Which seems to govern all I do.
But with Your swaying movements
Your sweet voice
And Your weapon of Kirtan
I know that You can do
The impossible.
You can dance through the city
Of my soul
And free me from myself
Until my rebellious mind
My unsteady nature
My entire self
Moves to Your will
Lead me.
Rule me.
Govern all that I do
With Your infallible Love.

 Acyuta Gopi is an artist, musician, mother and community leader. She travels around the globe conducting workshops, classes and seminars on kirtan.  She and her family reside in NYC where she focuses on community building and pouring her heart into the transformative tradition of Bhakti Yoga .
