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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Devotees Share 200 “Spring Baskets” on Easter Weekend Near ISKCON Philadelphia
By Sangita Devi Dasi (ACBSP)   |  Apr 10, 2024

On Saturday, March 30, 2024, our local Vaishnavas CARE Team Volunteers and several ISKCON Philadelphia congregational members decorated 200 “Spring Baskets” with organic fruit first offered to Lord Krishna along with fresh baked “Srila Prabhupada cookies” (an old “ISKCON favorite” from the early days), two transcendental books by Srila Prabhupada, and other goodies with Hare Krishna mantra labels on them and distributed them throughout the neighborhood near our Philadelphia temple. This is the third year we have been distributing these “Spring Baskets” on Easter weekend, so it has become a kind of tradition for our neighbors. Several of them told us they had been waiting for us to arrive with their baskets and were really looking forward to it.

One neighbor emailed our Temple President, Dronacarya Das, “I am one of your neighbors on Nippon Street. I want to thank you so much for the easter basket you left us. It is such a beautiful gesture,” he continued, “I am Catholic and the only one in my home who celebrates Easter. My wife is Jewish and practices her religion. But I also know much about Hinduism and have read the Gita. I see all our religions leading us to the same place. May we all find blessing.” He is a professor at a local university.

One of our volunteers shared this story, “The best experience happened when a lady saw me with a bunch of Spring Baskets and said, ‘You are the one I have to thank!’ I replied, ‘Happy Easter!’ She responded, ‘Happy Krishna!’ and gave me a big hug!”

This project proves that Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna give Their blessings in many ways. To follow more of the inspiring service of devotees at ISKCON Philadelphia, visit their website, Facebook page, Instagram, and YouTube channel. See the gallery below to see all the joyful devotees from children to youth and adults participating in this creative outreach.

