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Harikatha Studio Launches Animated Bhagavad-gita Web Series
By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi, ISKCON News Staff Writer   |  Oct 01, 2024

On the auspicious occasion of Radhashtami, Harikatha Studio, an innovative initiative led by Raghavendra Bazari under the guidance of Kartikeya Das, Hariksetra Das, Acyuta Arjunasakha Das from ISKCON Whitefield, launched the first episode of their animated web series based on Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Currently, it is only available in Hindi.

This series marks a significant step forward in presenting the wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita to modern audiences in a digital format. With plans to release 18 episodes, each dedicated to a chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, the initiative offers a fresh and visually captivating way to experience Lord Krishna’s instructions to Arjuna.

Elaborating on the motivation behind the project, Raghavendra Bazari shared, “Our first source of inspiration is Srila Prabhupada’s books, which repeatedly emphasize the glorification of Lord Krishna through our occupational activities. Another driving force is the misrepresentation of scriptures by a few people for personal benefit. In today’s world, television and videos have become the primary sources of spiritual knowledge. We want to create digital content that presents spiritual wisdom in the most authentic way possible.”

Harikatha Studio’s efforts emphasize using modern technology to help people hear, see, and absorb the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita innovatively. In Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 14, Srila Prabhupada mentioned, “This is the same principle on which, in the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna advised Arjuna to utilize his fighting abilities in devotional service. Similarly, we are utilizing these machines for Krsna’s service.” Harikatha Studio aims to reflect this mission by bringing the essence of Krishna’s teachings to life through visual storytelling by using technology.

The series appeals to younger generations as well as devotees. One viewer, Dinesvara Sacisuta Das, said, “The video is mind-blowing, and you have summarized chapter one in eighteen minutes. The picturization, audio, background music—everything is so beautiful.”

Another viewer, Deepak Rayapudi said, “The background voice of Acyuta Prabhu is very nice. Thanks for this contribution, we all are taking the benefit of it. I am sure Srila Prabhupada will be happy with all your efforts.”

Depending on the content, some episodes may combine chapters or split them into multiple parts for a deeper exploration. Raghavendra Bazari explained, “We are starting with the first chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, and based on the response, we plan to cover other scriptures like the Srimad Bhagavatam, Ramayana, and various Puranas. Our ultimate goal is to make these ancient teachings more accessible in today’s digital landscape.”

The team behind Harikatha Studio is inviting devotees and well-wishers to support the project by sharing the content on their social media platforms. “The best way to support us is to share our content on social media so that more people can benefit from it,” said Raghavendra Bazari. 

He further announced plans for a “patriot program” to raise funds for the next set of episodes and other future projects. “We are also open to collaborating with those who have skills in 3D modeling or animation. They can reach out to help us with upcoming projects,” he added.

The team also humbly expressed their devotion and desire to serve, stating, “Our ultimate aim is to please Lord Krishna and all Vaishnavas. Even though we have taken great measures to present the scriptures as authentically as possible, we may have committed mistakes. We beg forgiveness in advance from all viewers for any mistakes made.”

The first episode, covering Chapter One of the Bhagavad Gita, can be watched for 48 hours, starting when the viewer first clicks ‘Watch Now.’ The episodes are available for rent on their website. Click here to watch the trailer for the web series. You can also visit them on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
