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Harinamapress.Org: New Website Launched For Books by Bhakti Tirtha Swami
By Jayananda Dasa   |  Apr 08, 2010

Hari-Nama Press, the non-profit book publishing company dedicated to printing and distributing the works of His Holiness Bhakti Tirtha Swami, has just launched a new website!

Although Bhakti Tirtha Swami has seemingly left, teachings from numerous lectures, seminars, and workshops wait in the archives for Hari-Nama Press to transcribe and then publish in future books. It is the goal of Hari-Nama Press to continue publishing these teachings for years to come. B.T. Swami’s teachings will undoubtedly continue through these unique books and through the lives of those who imbibe his message.

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Please visit us and browse all 19 books published to date by viewing links to excerpts, table of contents, summaries, and more.

Your servant on behalf of the Hari-Nama Press team,

Jayananda dasa
