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International Book Launch- Being Srila Prabhupada-anugas
By Govinda Priya Devi Dasi   |  Aug 27, 2022


The GBC College for Leadership Development and Tulsi Books Publications are elated to announce the book launch of the book ‘Being Srila Prabhupada-anugas’ on the occasion of the conclusion of Srila Prabhupada’s 125th birth year celebrations. This book by Rasikraman Das is a compilation of Srila Prabhupada’s quotes on 51 themes of Leadership. It has been adopted as the official textbook of the GBC College, ISKCON’s Leadership School. The book will especially be relevant for the followers of ISKCON who wish to have a deeper understanding of Srila Prabhupada’s personality and the legacy left behind by him in terms of his mood, message, and methods.


The story of the book


Leadership has always been a topic of interest and discussion not only amongst modern political and corporate circles but even amongst great sages and emperors of yore. Leadership finds its relevance in spiritual circles too – spiritual leaders through the ages have galvanized people for individual salvation and social transformation. In today’s times, when materialism and atheism have become super-organized, spiritual leaders also need to get their act together to organize mass movements for spiritual enlightenment. One such leader in modern times, who has displayed a powerful combination of spiritual purity and organizational acumen is H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada, as his followers fondly call him, established The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) which presents the pristine teachings of the ancient Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition in a way that is relevant and relatable to the post-modern world today.


HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj on Being Srila Prabhupada-anugas


The quotes presented in this book give insights into the sublime principles of spiritual leadership by which Srila Prabhupada was able to expand Kṛṣṇa consciousness throughout the world, cutting across all cultures, ethnicities, political leanings, geographies, races, etc. – inspiring and training his fledgling disciples in culture and philosophy of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, teaching them to cooperate and surrender, invigilating the spiritual standards of his centers throughout the world, standing up to and fighting with challenges & threats—both external and internal—and, at the same time, writing spotless literature, which would form the basis of his movement for posterity. When carefully studied, these quotes reveal a very striking model and pattern of leadership that Srila Prabhupada demonstrates with respect to each of these leadership themes. Even scholars who are interested in studying the rise and growth of spiritual movements would find the book quite an interesting read. The first edition of the book was personally published by HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj in the year 2015 and now this second revised International edition is being dedicated as an offering of gratitude unto him.


HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj on Being Srila Prabhupada-anugas


“When our ISKCON society is expanding faster these days and the number of extension and preaching centers are increasing, communities are swelling in size and in the same City multiple temples and preaching programs are starting to manifest, I think, this book has come as a great boon as a quick handbook for all Leaders and Managers to ask Srila Prabhupada and know from his quotes what and how he would want them to make decisions and act in a Vaishnava way in personal behavior, in dealing with others, in dealing with members and groups in a Community and in acting with integrity true to the word of God. Although I used to refer to Siksamritam, letters of Srila Prabhupada at times when I needed direction, I appreciate HG Rasik Raman Prabhu’s this book is very handy, quick to refer to, and easy to learn and teach leaders and managers in my care. My sincere thanks to him for offering us this valuable gift.”

– Radheshyam das, GDO for Youth outreach in the West, Regional Secretary
Assistant, President, ISKCON Pune & Presidential Board member, Hyderabad


“I found this book as the best resource to know Srila Prabhupada’s guidance on various aspects of management. By reading this book, I can very much appreciate that the curriculum at GBC college is perfectly aligned with the mood and teachings of Srila Prabhupada. It is a great source of inspiration and guidance for ISKCON devotees especially engaged in management services. I find this book very useful in my regular services, particularly in teaching and management.”

-Shyamananda Krishna Das- GDO for Environment; Zonal Supervisor, ISKCON Pakistan


“All of Prabhupada’s quotes on management and leadership together in one book— “Being Prabhupadanugas” is a useful and necessary reference for inspiration, guidance, and clarity for those in roles of leadership service in the society of devotees. I regularly review it to refresh myself in purpose and principles to stay resilient, enthusiastic, and compassionate
through the challenges I face.”

-Vrinda-Sundari devi dasi- Co-President, ISKCON Denver


“This book is very useful for me to practice Krsna Consciousness whenever I have some doubt on a particular aspect. At the same time when devotees ask me a query after the class, I am able to give them answers with respect to what Srila Prabhupad used to personally follow. Also, it is very useful in guiding me when I have to take any admin-related decisions in my Yatra.”

-Aniruddha Gopala das- Yatra President & Zonal Supervisor, Krsna Katha Desh


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