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ISKCON 50 Meditations: December 19, 2015
By Satsvarupa dasa Goswami   |  Dec 19, 2015

Prabhupada’s “Preliminary” Lessons 

Even if Srila Prabhupada and Vyasadeva and other acaryas do sometimes teach us in preliminary ways, as one deals with less intelligent people, the learner will not be harmed if he follows their exact instructions.  If there is more esoteric information that is beyond him, and which he does not know because his teachers do not teach him – still he will not be harmed if he trusts them.  They know the best way to bring him through all the obstacles, back home, back to Godhead.  

The literal presentation of Krishna consciousness in the Scriptures that Prabhupada insists on is not itself simplistic or dogmatic.  Prabhupada states that Krishna certainly walked the Earth in His divine form and He is also present now in His holy name.  He is fully present in stone or brass deities, but these truths are themselves very esoteric and can only be fully understood by the pure devotee.  As stated in the scriptures, atah sri-krsna-namadi … “One cannot understand Krishna with blunt senses.  When his senses are purified through service, then one can understand Him.”  Prabhupada taught esoteric knowledge, but he has kindly given it to us in such a way that even beginners can accept Krishna literally – but they should know that the full Krishna will be revealed to us only when we are purified.
