Please Bless Us for Advancement
One should pray to Prabhupada, “Please bless us for advancement,” with confidence that everything we desire in spiritual life can be achieved by his mercy. His mercy comes in many forms. It comes in his books. He gave us his books, but we have to enter them. If we pray for understanding when we read, Krishna will give us the intelligence.
Prabhupada can also help us through the heart. The pure devotees are just as good as Krishna. They can expand in different places at the same time. They are inconceivable in their power. They are not limited by material circumstances. Prabhupada’s mercy can act in many ways. The sastras tell us of gurus who come back to help their disciples.
We want to reciprocate with Prabhupada by fulfilling his intentions for us. He intends that we become pure devotees of Krishna. Therefore, we can take siksa from someone who is also in line with Prabhupada, someone who can help us to better understand Prabhupada’s teachings.
Prabhupada can tell us everything we need to know if we pray to him. We are still not mature, and he has still not revealed everything. We are getting older physically, but we are still spiritual infants. We have so much to learn. We pray to Prabhupada for better vision. Arjuna prayed for the eyes to see the Universal Form; we need the eyes to see what is in Prabhupada’s books. We need to understand the deeper meaning of Krishna consciousness. This doesn’t mean that Prabhupada didn’t give us everything. It only means that we have failed to recognize it.