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ISKCON Appreciated at Udupi Paryaya by the Sri Puthige Mutt
By Sutapa Das, Communication Incharge, ISKCON Sri Jagannath Mandir, Mangalore, India   |  Feb 12, 2024

Pictured center to right, Revati Raman Das, GBC Chairman (center), Sri Krishna Purushottam Dasa, Sriram Das.

On January 18, 2024, Sri Udupi Dham in Karnataka, India, witnessed a paryaya (transfer of worship) to Sri Puthige Mutt, which was one of the most significant events in the whole of Karnataka. The three-day celebration, with a series of Vedic rituals and cultural events, created great jubilation in the Holy Dham of Udupi.

Sri Puthige Mutt officially invited ISKCON devotees to grace the occasion. ISKCON was represented by Revati Raman Das, the GBC Chairman. Sri Sugunendra Teerth Swamiji, the current Paryaya peeth Swamiji and head seer of Sri Puthige Mutt, heartily glorified Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON for their contributions in spreading Krishna consciousness, Sanatan Dharma and Vedic culture all over the globe. Swamiji warmly welcomed all the devotees from ISKCON, including Revati Raman Das, Sriram Das, the President of ISKCON Mangalore, Sri Krishna Purushottam Dasa from ISKCON Silicon Valley, and others. Revati Raman was especially congratulated during the ceremony for the contributions of ISKCON all over the world.

Udupi is an important place for all Gaudiya Vaishnavas being the birthplace of Sri Madhvacharya the principal acharya, or spiritual teacher, in the Brahma-sampradaya. The recognition of Srila Prabhupada’s achievements in Udupi is seen as a significant step in ISKCON’s preaching mission. To follow ISKCON Mangalore’s service, visit their website and Facebook page.
