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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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ISKCON Gurugram Ox-cart Padyatra
By ISKCON Gurugram   |  Jan 22, 2022

The monks of ISKCON Gurugram decided to take the traditional way this time and went for sankirtan (congregational chanting) and book distribution on a Bullock cart. The cart had an altar with Sri Radha Krishna giving darshan (opportunity of seeing a holy image or deity) for the benefit of all. The devotees distributed about 250 of Srila Prabhupada’s books along the way and people brought them food and water as is the ancient custom.  Traditionally, monks and sannyasis used to travel by walking or through bullock carts for purpose of preaching and helping people transform their lives through the wisdom of scriptures.

Villages around Gurugram have become economically prosperous as of late and now those areas have seen a rise in alcoholism, stress, and suicide due to the increasing distance from the long-practiced God-conscious culture.

The distressed, unhappy, and unsatisfied need a helping hand which is quite possible with the help of spirituality.

Therefore, monks at ISKCON Gurugram took a step forward and encouraged all people to practice and revive this integral culture of god consciousness.
