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ISKCON News’ Spanish Website Recovers From Hacker Attack
By Madhava Smullen   |  Sep 17, 2015
nw, ISKCON News’ Spanish language website, is back in action after beating off a hacker attack which targeted the site back on April 26th.

“I received an email from an unknown sender asking for money in exchange for solving problems on the website,” says managing editor Baladeva Das, who also serves as the Communications Director for ISKCON Argentina. “I thought it was spam and deleted it.”

A couple of days later, Baladeva noticed that some of the tools in the website’s back-end were inaccessible or missing completely.

“Gradually, the problems increased until we were not able to edit or publish any articles,” he says.

Fortunately, programmer Kirtan Rasa Jay Das from Brazil turned up to save the day, locating and destroying the virus “like Arjuna destroying the demons on the battlefield of Kurukshetra!” laughs Baladeva.

Kirtan Rasa Jay Das, who saved ISKCON Noticias from a hacker attack

ISKCON Noticias’ latest articles since its recovery include translated pieces from ISKCON News about the GBCs’ support of an environmental effort, and a new gurukula in Sochi Russia. They also have original news articles written by their staff about ISKCON Argentina’s participation in a world prayer, and more.

ISKCON Noticias is read by thousands of Spanish speakers across Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Spain and the U.S.

“We ask our readers to please be patient as we get back up and running,” says Baladeva. “Soon, we plan to publish many interesting articles about ISKCON’s 50th anniversary worldwide celebrations. We hope they will inspire devotees everywhere to make their own efforts to glorify Srila Prabhupada in every corner of the planet.”


