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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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ISKCON News Video Contest
By ISKCON News Staff   |  Jan 01, 1901

ISKCON News announces a new video contest. Please send us your best videos of Krishna-conscious people, places and activities. We want funny, amazing, and inspiring videos. Blow our mind with your originality and creativity and see if you can get first place!


  • 1st place: 500 USD
  • 2nd place: 300 USD
  • 3rd place: 200 USD


  • Inspiring Krishna-conscious people, or stories.
  • Interesting Krishna-conscious projects, or events.
  • Krishna-conscious music videos.
  • The genre could be either documentary or fiction.

Technical requirements:

  • Video length: 2 to 10 minutes
  • Picture quality: High Definition (1080 x 1920, Aspect ratio: 16 x 9)
  • Good camera handling,  nicely edited footage
  • Good sound quality
  • It should be in English or subtitled in English

 Legal requirements:

  • The filmmaker should own the material and have the written permission of the interviewee, or people appearing on the screen to be part of the film. 
  • In case of using additional music, footage or photo, the filmmaker should obtain a written permission from the copyright owner. 

Application deadline: October 31st, 2013. 

Please apply by sending your video information (video title, one or two-sentence summary, names of filmmakers, their location and contact information) and the YouTube link to your video to

The winners will be announced and rewarded by December 31st, 2013.

The best videos will be broadcast on ISKCON News, and on the Call on Faith channel of the New York City-based Odyssey Networks.

Tag: contest , video