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Israel Devotees Seeking Help to Extend Their Food for Life Efforts to War-Affected Families
By Thomas Haribol, ISKCON News Managing Editor   |  Oct 31, 2023

Despite the ongoing warfare and shelling, programs for devotees in Tel Aviv are still being held every weekend. According to ISKCON Israel, “Devotees continue to gather almost every day, offer wicks to Lord Damodara and to have kirtan.” In the midst of their travails, they are redoubling their efforts to extend their “Food for Life” programs in the face of overwhelming need.

“The sons and daughters of many devotees have been drafted into the army; we all pray for them, as well as for all the devotees who have been participating in the battles since the beginning of the war,” leaders said.  In addition to displacement and housing issues, many are without work, so the need for help is great. In response, an initiative by devotees has been organized to extend their “Food for Life” outreach to the war-affected families.

Devotees from the city of Ashdod, which is subject to daily rocket attacks, continue to distribute prasadam. “There are many lonely elderly people who have nothing to eat; there are families who have lost their jobs and are starving. Every day, devotees receive more and more addresses to which they need to distribute prasadam. The cost of purchasing food for a full meal for 25 people is about $125.”

The Yatra leadership has opened an account on PayPal for donations to help them with this prasada distribution initiative. They are humbly asking for donations to help with this service. You can visit the account to donate here. Devotees in Israel are deeply appreciative of all the prayers and support they have received from the worldwide devotee family.
