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Jayapataka Swami Out of Danger
By ISKCON News Weekly Staff   |  Nov 30, 2008

Doctors say that ISKCON guru and GBC Jayapataka Swami, who has been recovering from a brain hemorrhage in Mumbai’s Hinduja hospital since late October, will be moved out of the Intensive Care Unit early next week.

He was taken off ventilator support on November 21, after which he had an alert and coherent conversation with several godbrothers and other devotees including Radhanatha Swami and Bhakti Purushottam Swami. Speech was painful, however, and he had to use a “speaking valve” provided by doctors.

The situation continued to grow more positive as Jayapataka Swami continued to breathe without ventilator support throughout the week. His food intake also increased, and he remained fully conscious and alert.

He is currently receiving limb physiotherapy, and at last notice has been breathing comfortably without the ventilator for five days. Devotees around the world, while continuing to pray for his swift recovery, are breathing sighs of relief and thanking Krishna.

This message, dictated to Ekanatha Gaura Dasa by Jayapakta Swami on November 24, says it all: “Hare Krishna! Thirty days I am here. I am very tired. Doctor says I am out of danger. GAURANGA!!”

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