ADELAIDE, Australia: I’m on tour, and here in Adelaide, my first stop. See the map for my exact location.
Last night’s cookery class at the home of Pauline was a wonderful success. I’m awaiting on some photos to show you, with a full report.
Today I caught up with a couple of old friends of mine, pictured below, posing in front of some Black Boys, ancient native Australian trees. No that’s not Kenny Rogers on the right, but Dayasara, a dear old acquaintance of mine.
I needed some fresh air, and my hosts had a perfect solution. Lohi (on the left) packed a Balinese picnic lunch prepared by his wife, and we drove to the Morialta Conservation Park.
The Conservation Park, part of the traditional lands of the indigenous Kaurna people, is located only 10 km northeast of the city. It is quite remarkable just how close it is, because on the nature walk it feels like we could be hundreds of miles from civilisation.
Here I am in front of the Morialta Falls. We just had some rain, so the falls were reasonably active.
Later in the day I was invited to the wedding of Joe and Juanita, whom I have known for many years. Juanita and her mum used to watch my cookery shows on television when she was a little girl.
I had originally been asked to cater for the event, but I was just to busy. Joe’s Italian Nonna (pictured on the right and looking much younger than her actual age) is in her late eighties, and headed up a 20 course feast for 200. Absolutely remarkable, brilliant Italian pure vegetarian food, with no garlic, nor onions, and no alcohol, as requested by the married couple.
The wedding feast defied description, and because my camera was misbehaving, I have no photographic record. The blackcurrant and raspberry cheesecake was straight from heaven. You’ll have to trust me on that one.
I sit at my desk, late at night, writing this report whilst absolutely stuffed to the point of rigor mortis. And tomorrow, starting early, I teach a class for 20 here at Bhaktivedanta Ashram. I expect some serious pizza sleep ahead. Goodnight!
Source: Life and Travel with Kurma
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