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Religious News Service Highlights ISKCON Devotees in Ukraine
By ISKCON News   |  Mar 29, 2024

ISKCON devotees gathered in a basement for safety. Photo courtesy of Acyuta Priya Dasa.

Religious News Service (RNS), a global leader in news coverage of religion, ethics, and spirituality, recently published an article on the challenges that ISKCON devotees in Ukraine have experienced over the past few years.  The article’s author, Tori Luecking, interviewed Niranjana Swami, Acyuta Priya Dasa, and Ukrainian devotees for the profile. Ukraine is home to an estimated 15,000 ISKCON devotees.

You can read the full article here.

Editor’s note: Since Luecking’s original interviews, it was announced at the GBC’s March meetings that Acyuta Priya Dasa is now a full GBC member with responsibilities for Ukraine and other areas.

Tag: iskcon , ukraine