As most of you are aware, the pandemic continues to rage on and is now engulfing India. The situation is extremely dire and getting worse by the day as the second wave of the pandemic has hit India even harder than the first wave. This predicament is also heavily affecting ISKCON devotee communities in India and around the world.
The ISKCON Governing Body Commission held an emergency meeting on April 30th to determine what ISKCON can do to help. In discussions with ISKCON leaders, the GBC determined that, at this time, the greatest need is help for Mayapur and Bangladesh. The devotee communities of Mayapur and Bangladesh are dealing with both loss of lives and livelihoods and need our support.
Canada is sending their love, support, and prayers with a special Canada-Wide COVID Relief event for the devotees in Mayapur and Bangladesh on Saturday, May 15th from 4-7 pm EST. The broadcast will be live on Kirtan T.O.’s Facebook page. The program is jam-packed and will include special messages from HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Bhaktimarga Swami, HH Radhanath Swami, and many more. A special Nrsimha Yagna will be performed live for the protection and wellbeing of all of the devotees and many kirtaniya guests will also be participating.
Please spread the word and participate!
For access to the live broadcast, visit
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