Founder Acharya His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Seventh Annual MAN-tra Retreat at New Vrindaban Opens Early Registration
By MAN-Tra Team   |  Jul 04, 2024

Mark your calendar, tell your friends, and prepare for a memorable weekend this September 20-22, 2024, for the Annual MAN-tra Men’s Retreat in New Vrindaban, West Virginia. The popular annual event promises to be a spiritually uplifting gathering for all devotee men. But don’t wait too long, as early bird registration ends on July 31st.

What can you expect at this year’s retreat? Special guest presentations and workshops by Sri Prahlada Das, Prasannatma Das, Yadunatha Das, and Bhuta Bhavana Das will be held, and there will even be an interactive all-women’s panel discussion. All these sessions address a range of topics relevant to devotee men, especially important subjects that are not often addressed directly. MAN-tra Retreat has been fulfilling this need in ISKCON since its inception in 2018 by Anuttama Dasa and Bhaktimarga Swami.

Besides all the serious stuff, there will be plenty of light-hearted male-bonding opportunities, such as the much-loved bonfire katha and kirtan, a drama by Bhaktimarga Swami, a group trek to Old Vrindaban, harinam, and kirtan with Gaura Vani Das and friends. There will also be enlivening morning programs in the temple, enlightening Bhagavatam classes, and delicious prasadam.


To follow the MAN-tra ministry and learn about their latest events and initiatives, please visit their Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts.

2023 MAN-tra Retreat.
