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Social Justice Minister Comes to ISKCON Mayapur
By ISKCON News Staff   |  Jun 21, 2008

Srimati Meira Kumar, Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment in India, recently visited ISKCON’s Mayapur campus.

The Union Minister was responding to an invitation extended from National ISKCON Communications director Vrajanandana Dasa to the Indian Government. She was greeted warmly by Sankarshan Nitai Dasa, General Manager at ISKCON Mayapur.

Kumar paid her respects to Sri-Sri Radha-Madhava, Lord Nrsimhadeva, and the Panchatattva, before offering the traditional ghee lamp to the deities.

Later, Kumar met the members of Sri Mayapur Vikash Sangha, a Krishna conscious welfare group operating in the Mayapur area. She also had a healthy discussion with Sankarshan Nitai on the development of Mayapur.

The Union Minister expressed her overall happiness at being able to visit “this wonderful place,” and was thankful for the hospitality extended by the management of ISKCON Mayapur.
