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Start Your Spiritual Journey on a Sound Footing with the Bhakti-pravesa Course
By Savitri Devi Dasi   |  Jan 27, 2024

The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) will offer an online Bhakti-pravesa course from 14 February to 16 April, 2024. This course is specifically designed for those budding devotees who are seeking to learn and explore the path of bhakti. The curriculum includes the topics essential for a strong foundational knowledge into the new spiritual journey of any aspirant.

The course aims to give persons who have recently come in touch with ISKCON a clear understanding of the philosophy of Krsna consciousness. There are no initial requirements for attending the course. However, it is advised that one chants a minimum of 2 rounds of the Hare Krsna mantra daily.

The course content includes:

  • How to Acquire Knowledge
  • Who am I – Journey of the Soul
  • Krsna, the Reservoir of Pleasure
  • Bhakti Yoga – The Path of Devotion
  • Lord Caitanya’s Life and Teachings
  • Readings in Krsna Consciousness
  • Chanting the Holy Names of Krsna
  • Who is Srila Prabhupada?
  • Bhakti Life
  • Food for the Soul
  • Practical Lessons
  • Devotional Mantras

The class time is 05:30 pm – 08:15 pm IST. The class schedule follows an alternating pattern.

Week 1:

* Monday: Off

* Tuesday to Friday: 1 class per day

Week 2:

* Monday and Tuesday: Off

* Wednesday: Exam

* Thursday and Friday: 1 class per day

* Saturday and Sunday: Two classes per day

Teachers for the course include Lavanga Lata Devi Dasi, Madhusudana Visnu Dasa, Vrajendra Nandana Dasa, Nava Kisora Govinda Dasa, Pandita Devi Dasi, and Vrndaranya Gopala Dasa. A student from our April 2023 batch, Bhawna Virmani, said, “this course opens the gate to enter into the house of bhakti, where there are different rooms of devotional services like hearing, chanting, reading Scriptures, worshiping the Deity, etc. I realized that Lord Krishna reveals Himself to those who chant His holy name sincerely and read the Scriptures daily in the association of devotees, and that one can understand Lord Krishna through bhakti only.”

All those interested in the course may register here.

For further details, please contact VIHE at +918979943134/ +91 88690 53796 (WhatsApp or call), visit their website, or email them. You may also follow them on their Facebook page or visit their YouTube channel.  


