With sadness we inform the members of ISKCON about the passing away of His Holiness Tatpar Swami, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada. He was one among the first Bengali devotees to take initiation from Srila Prabhupada.
Tatpar Maharaja joined ISKCON in 1970 and was first initiated in 1972. He accepted second initiation in 1973. Maharaja lived for many years in Mayapur, India where he preached the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Mayapur resident Subhag Swami reflected on Tatpar Maharaja’s character, “He was very bold and visited sensitive areas in Kolkata to preach. He was instructed by Srila Prabhupada to take care of the Mayapur ISKCON property when it was first purchased. Even during floods he used to climb up on the thatched hut roof to watch for any thieves. He was also a Sankirtana leader, a good preacher and a book distributor.”
On the 3rd November, Maharaja was taken to Krishna Nagar Hospital. His case was very delicate so the doctors advised transfer to Kolkata. Maharaja left this world while in transit. On Thursday evening Maharaja was laid in Samadhi beside his Godbrothers nearby Srila Prabhupada Puspa Samadhi. He was taken in a Sankirtan procession that circumambulated the Samadhi. The ceremony was attended by all of the Srila Prabhupada disciples present in Mayapur and by many Mayapur community devotees.
Srila Prabhupada once said that if ISKCON had eight devotees like Tatpar Swami we could deliver the world.
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