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The Argentine Vaishnava Community Mourns the Tragic Passing of Policeman Bhakta Pablo
By Baladeva Dasa   |  Oct 02, 2020

Juan Pablo Roldan officer of the Argentine Federal Police, was killed during the performance of his duty. The Hare Krishna Community has received the news with shock and sadness.

Bhakta Pablo, as the devotees affectionately called him, was a good devotee of Krishna. He, along with his beautiful family, his wife Carolina and his son Valentín, always participated in Harinam programs very happily. 

“I remember the last time I was in the temple in Buenos Aires, Baladeva Das, ISKCON Communications Director says, “I was fortunate to take prasadam with him and he would tell me how happy he was in the association of Vaishnavas. 

I knew him to be a very enthusiastic devotee, whenever he could he would bring his fellow policemen to take prasadam at the temple and talk to them about Krishna-consciousness.” 

He had the service of going to find bhoga for the temple Deities and was always very eager to participate in any devotional program, along with Carolina and Valentin. 

Bhakta Pablo with his wife Carolina

Both devotees and his fellow police officers referred to him as a great human being, father and husband. 

Bhakta Pablo belonged to the mounted police delegation and loved horses. A few days before his passing he had commented to a devotee that they had retired a mare and that they were going to take great care of her until she left her body – he always tried to instill in your companions the same compassion for animals. 

The Hare Krishna Community of Argentina keeps this good soul who has left this world present in its prayers and asks the devotees to raise a prayer at the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, for his beloved family and for his well-wishers, who are going through a difficult moment.


The facts (source, Nación online news) 

Uniformed men from the 14C Neighborhood Police Station of the City Police of Buenos Aires had been alerted by neighbors that in the street, a man was threatening pedestrians with a knife. The subject went to Alcorta street through Cavia and, passing through the entrance of the Mounted Police headquarters, screaming, which  motivated the intervention of Roldán, who ended up dead 350 meters from there.

Police sources reported that Roldán and agent Fernando Obes were instructed by their superiors to go see who that man was who was shouting and insulting the policemen inside the Mounted Police Corps. Later, it would be known that the same man threatened the passers-by who were going through Chonino Street. 

The policemen followed the man for about 200 meters. Roldán and his companions tried to get closer, but were attacked. While talking to the man, Roldán and his partner walked backwards because the suspect was facing them. Already on the street, on the pedestrian path, the man tried to stab the officer several times, and ultimately succeeded. 

Roldán stumbled, but wounded his attacker. Seconds later, he grabbed his chest, but then, overcome by pain, he fell down on the sidewalk, and in a few minutes he died.

A witness who was in a bar near the crime scene said that moments before the attack, the aggressor when several policemen approached him, said “which one of you  want to die first?” 

The witness said that the murdered policeman, when he saw that he had a knife, first fired “two shots to the ground” to calm him down.

According to the testimony of the doctor and his partner policeman, with his last breath Bhakta Pablo said “I have fulfilled my duty now I am going to my Lord who is waiting for me.” 

Officer Juan Pablo Roldan and his horse


Comments by public figures

Both his colleagues and his superiors declared to the media that Pablo loved being a policeman to protect people.

On his Instagram and Facebook profiles, General Commissioner Néstor Roncaglia, former head of the PFA, uploaded a photo of Roldán and posted:

“My indignation is immense, because I have no doubt that the police inspector Juan Roldán died for hesitating to shoot or not. Some people and the media scare the police so much that ‘he should not shoot’ because if he does this he will surely go to prison… Rest in peace, Mr. Police ”. 

Meanwhile, the President of the Argentine Nation today declared a national mourning “to honor the memory” of Roldán. The Minister of Security, Sabina Frederic, also highlighted the role and service vocation of the 33-year-old officer and sent his condolences to the officier’s family. 

Happy scenes form bhakta Pablo’s life
