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The Passing of Her Grace Kalindi Devi Dasi
By Madhavendu das   |  Sep 06, 2022

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Her Grace Kalindi Devi Dasi.

In her absence, our heart is burning by the constant raining fire. Her loyalty; her dedication was as firm as the stars and faith in Guru and Krishna was as firm as the mountains. Words fail to describe her glorification; her greatness. This great Vaishnavi mother’s presence means the presence of Guru and Krishna’s majesty. She always strived to fulfill her vows under the orders of her spiritual master, His Holiness Subhag Swami Maharaj, how to please Gurudev more, and more mightily. She was always active at any service to please her spiritual master. She always did the most delicate work with utmost perfection. Kalindi Devi’s heart blossomed with a wonderful, soft tenderness of a flower. She was always carrying this beauty in her demeanor in her every word. From the youngest devotee to the great Vaishnavas were honoured by her with a gentle aura, mixed with dignity. Her home was indeed a beautiful temple. Anyone who entered that home temple would never come back hungry.  She would spontaneously look at the door, waiting for a devotee to arrive.

Kalindi Devi Dasi used to discuss her spiritual master and God with a very humble heart, in a simple humble voice. Sometimes she used to shed tears while talking about the glories of her Guru Maharaj. She spent the rest of her life in complete Krishna Consciousness. She spontaneously took all risks and continued the preaching activities till the last breath of her life. Kalindi Mataji’s preaching activities were so perfect that she made many devotees, and helped guide them to becoming initiated devotees. Kalindi Devi Dasi’s presence was so active, lively and so pure that it can bring about a radical change in the life of many. She was truly a precious gem. There was no trace of anger in her behavior. This legendary Vaishnavi dedicated her life to serving Guru and Krishna.


With the prayers of all Vaisnavas who knew her, we bid farewell to Kalindi Devi Dasi.

