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WEDDING: Drdhavrata Gorrick and Gandharvika Wilmes
By ISKCON News Staff   |  Apr 23, 2007

Gandharvika Wilmes, the daughter of Premnidhi dasa and Krsnamayi dasi of  Bhaktivedanta Eco-Village farm near Kolur, Karnataka, South India, was wed  to Drdhavrata Gorrick, a son of Dharmatma das (Dennis Gorrick) and Dvijapriya dasi (Diane Monge), on 2 January 2007, 9:30 a.m. at Mr. Hari Prasad’s Sai Vishram Resort on the Arabian Sea at Baindoor, in Karnataka, South India.

Gandharvika, 22, teaches English and Hindi. She attended a girls’ school in Vrndavana, was home schooled in Kolur, South India, and attended a college in Vishakapatnam and has been studying psychology via correspondence courses.

Her father, Premnidhi dasa, tends the cows at Bhaktivedanta Eco-Village and teaches yoga and Ayurveda. Her mother, Krsnamayi dasi, looks after guests at the farm and cooks. 

Drdhavrata, 25, is an artist, sculptor, bronze caster and architect. He was home schooled, spent two years at Bhaktivedanta Gurukula in Mayapur and spent three years in Mamallapuram, near Chennai, South India studying under Mr. Thiruganam, the former headmaster of the government art college there.

The couple met when Drdha was doing temple design at the Bhaktivedanta Eco-Village farm. He asked his parents to talk with hers for the purpose of marriage, and thus the arrangement was made.

The presiding priest was Sri Prahlad dasa, who was assisted by his wife Rukmini dasi.

The chief speaker was His Holiness Indradyumna Swami.

Honored guests included Guruprasad Swami, B.G. Narasimha Swami, Vishnu Swami, Tattvadarshan prabhu, Janava devi dasi, Haripada dasa, Phalini dasi, Krishnanama das, Manusuta dasa, Krishna-kripa das and his mother, Uddhava dasa, Prasad dasa, Ayurvedic doctors ShivKumar and Srikant, Drdha’s friends from school—Navadvip prabhu, Rama dasa, Krsna Chaitanya, Sujal das, Ghanasyama dasa—Murari prabhu, Dhara dasi and many locals.

The couple are currently residing in Mayapur. Neither have taken spiritual initiation yet.

Photos of the wedding by the groom’s brother, Devala Gorrick, Dvijapriya dasi, Govardhan prabhu, and Krsnanama prabhu.  The wedding album may be viewed at the Picasa website
