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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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2023 GBC Resolutions Released
By Ananda Tirtha Das, GBC Corresponding Secretary   |  Feb 11, 2024

As was the case in 2022, the GBC met online regularly in 2023 to discuss matters of global importance and voted on proposals right up to the end of the year. The file [linked below] includes proposals voted on during the 2023 Annual General Meeting, those passed throughout the year, and those passed at the Midterm General Meeting which was held in Pune in October.

This year the GBC AGM will be held in Mayapur from February 27-March 9, and the Midterm General Meeting will be held in New Vrindavan, USA, from October 1-7. To read the full document, visit here.
