BBT India organized a seminar for two days on Jan 31st 2014 and Feb 1st 2014 on the topic of ‘Merits of Organized Book Distribution’ at ISKCON Tirupathi. This was a pioneering attempt to get book distributors in India more organized. It was conducted under the expert guidance of Vaisesika Dasa Adhikari.
Around 80 devotees participated at the seminar. The event was inaugurated by Bhima Das (ISKCON Bureau member and BBT India trustee), Vaisesika Das, Suresvar Das (Srila Prabhupada disciple), Revati Raman Das (ISKCON Tirupati President) and was attended by ISKCON temple presidents, BBT managers, sankirtana leaders, book distributors & senior devotees from all over India.
The event served as a common platform to share techniques and strategies of organized book distribution and also focused on the need to develop the attitude and taste for book distribution.
Day One started with Srila Prabhupada vyasa puja invoking his blessings and an kirtan surcharging the whole environment with spiritual energy.
Vaisesika Das shared a series of inspirational talks on the glories of transcendental book distribution beginning with the sankirtan success stories in North America followed by two very inspiring presentations.
First presentation was ‘Sankirtan Orientation Seminar’ which included most effective strategies, techniques and concepts for book distribution like:
These included several innovative ways and key points on building sankirtan teams, selecting sankirtan spots, distributing full sets, using sankirtan tools, setting sankirtan goals and reaching them, distributing Gita on its own merits.
Second presentation was on ‘Communication One On One”
This presentation was focused on the key techniques and concepts of effective communication, the mood of book distributors, future book distribution and follow up, reporting scores effectively & paying off BBT loans.
On Day Two Vaisesika Das shared some important tips on to improve sadhana (daily spiritual practice), which is most important for successful book distribution:
Devotees from different temples very enthusiastically shared their best strategies, lessons learnt from past experience, challenges faced and their success stories. Appreciation gifts were given to attendees.
Discussions were held for having unified goals (zone level and national level) in order to have a sustained incremental increase in book distribution and also to develop a system of sharing strategies and plans for effective book distribution. There was discussion on bringing in awareness in reporting scores of book distribution.
Next Workshop for Sankirtan Leaders would be held after Kartik 2014 at Mumbai.
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Devotees interested to join ISKCON Sankirtan Leaders Team (ISLT) can email to [email protected]
More information on presentations, video recordings of the seminar, best strategies of book distribution from each temple will be documented soon and available at
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