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Book Release: To Kill Cow Means To End Human Civilization
By Chris Evans   |  Oct 18, 2009

Minister of Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Sri D. Sridhar Babu launched the book “To Kill Cow Means To End Human Civilization”, written by Dr Sahadeva Dasa, in Secunderabad, India today.

On the occasion, 4 vice-chancellors of Andhra Pradesh universities were present. Minister spoke on the need for more information and awareness on cow science of ancient India and congratulated Dr Dasa for his work in this field. State and national media covered the event.

Today we are treating other life forms just like inert objects, as if they are devoid of any feelings whatsoever. We are showing unprecedented cruelty and callousness towards the dumb creation of God with whom we share this planet. Cruelty has been industrialized, barbarism has been institutionalized. Today the mistreatment of animals is phenomenal, unprecedented in human history. The unspeakable treatment meted out to poor animals before they become our dinner will never go unpunished by the stringent laws of nature.

This book deals with ‘cow’, the very representative of the aphonic creation of God, a symbol of selfless service to man in life and death. Our attitude towards this important animal will decide our fate. Strange it may sound or even eccentric, cow will prove to be the making or breaking point for humanity.

Already we stand at the cross roads today. Dangerous challenges are staring us in the face today from environmental, ecological, moral, social, economic and health fronts. Global uncertainties are mounting and humanity’s future prospects look increasingly bleak.

Before it gets too late, mankind has to get back to cow, get back to the mother.

This book is available for reading and download at

The author can be reached at
