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Devotees Invited to Attend Two Powerful Festivals in 2009
By Krishnanandini Devi Dasi   |  Dec 27, 2008


    • Reunion of Sri Sri Radha-Mulidhara with Chota Radha-Mulidhara and all devotees who served Their Lordships in Cleveland from 1970’s – 1990 in Cleveland, OH  in New York held in April, 2009.

    • B.T. Swami International Vyasa-Puja and Black Lotus Affair during the Weekend of Remembrance Spiritual God-family Reunion, May, 2009, held in Cleveland, Ohio.

In the Padma Purana, Bhagavata Mahatmyam (2.5-7), the great saint Narada Muni declared, “I will make devotional festivals predominant in Kali-Yuga or I shall not be considered the servant of the Lord”.  With this statement in mind, we want to announce Two upcoming 2009 major Vaisnava festivals that are being coordinated by devotees in Ohio to assist Sri Narada in his service.


1.  The first is a the glorious reunion of chota Radha-Mulidhara with Sri Sri Radha-Mulidhara in New York (the original Deities of Cleveland, OH)  The following is an explanation of this reunion in the words of Her Grace Kama-giri devi dasi, a Prabhupada disciple, a dear servant of Their Lordships, and the chief co-ordinator of this event:


 “I am sending a personal invitation to all devotees and well-wishers who served Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Mulidhara in any capacity in Cleveland, Ohio from 1970 until now.  This  Blessed Holy reunion of chota Radha Mulidhara with Radha Mulidhara begins in New York on April 25th and 26th with a Friday night harinam on the 24th.  His Holiness Radhanatha Swami has already agreed to come and be a part of the fesitivities.


What makes this event so special?


“First of all their lordships have been separated for more than twenty years when Sri Sri Radha Mulidhara was taken to New Vrndaban, then their lordships went to New York where they have been residing ever since.” 


“Now in the mean time, chota (The small murti or Deity forms) Radha Mulidhara stayed back in Cleveland until the East Cleveland temple closed.  Then, by some causeless mercy I was given the opportunity to continue serving Them. They (chota Radha Mulidhara) decided to go to Denver for a short time and I received a call from the devotees who took them there and was asked if I wanted them back.   Of course I jumped at the opportunity and they have been tolerating me ever since. I have taken them to Puerto Rico where they were worshiped nicely.”


“After 5 years, I returned to Ohio (Columbus) where they were on the altar for some time.  I was afraid the temple management would try to claim my beloved Chota Radha Mulidhara as Iskcon Property so I brought them back home.  Now my heart’s desire is to give them the highest, most loving service.   But, as unfortunate as I am, I cannot build them a temple fit for their worship and have been praying for the best solution for their glorification. Now that Sri Sri Radha Mulidhara are residing at 25 1st Avenue, under the care of dedicated pujaris, I feel that this is the time to reunite their Lordships.”


“I felt that this would be a wonderful glorious opportunity for a grand reunion of all—the Lord and and His Cleveland devotees and other devotees that have a connection to Their Lordships. By the grace of Srila Prabhupadada, it is possible that the past servants can come together, leaving the past behind to share the glories of Radha Mulidhara.“


“I am soooooooo excited at the thought of seeing all of you again; I truly miss you and want to thank you personally for what you have done for me, you all have been instrumental in saving my life. Please come. And share your stories with us on this glorious occasion. If you know where anyone of the past servants of their lordships are please forward this invitation to them also. My greatest task is to somehow or other by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada (and of course Sri Sri Radha Mulidhara), find everyone and beg with a straw between my teeth — please join us for this blessed event!”   




“Please forward this information to anyone who, even if for only a short time, served their Lordships.  Thank you in advance for your co-operation”      


Please RSVP to Kamagiri devi dasi at [email protected],  at least by 3/20/09 so that arrangements may be made for accommodations.



2.  After diving deeply into thenectar of the mercy of the Sri Sri Radha-Mulidhara and Their entourage, all devotees are invited to join the Cleveland Nama Hatta Program community as they present the Bhaktitirtha Swami International Vyasa-Puja celebration and Spiritual God-family reunion in Cleveland, Ohio, May 22-24, 2009. (International Vyasa-Puja is a one day event, Sat. 5/23/09)


A fantastic affair is being planned to honor the appearance of His Holiness Bhakttitrtha Swami in his birth town, and inviting all gurus, sannyasis, disciples, god-brothers/god-sisters, friends, well-wishers and family to join us. A campsite is being leased for the entire weekend to host this spectacular program.


This Spiritual God-family Reunion, Weekend of Remembrance Includes B.T. Swami Sri Vyasa-Puja Black Lotus Affair and a Weekend of Camping, Sight-seeing, Kirtan Japa Trails and Games at Camp George Forbes:


Friday, May 22 – Sunday, May 24, 2009 (Memorial Day Weekend)

Camp George Forbes

25440 Harvard Rd.

Highland Hills, OH 44122


Please register early for 3 days and 2 nights of joy!  View the website for more details and to register.  Register early so that the committee can better plan:


Join us for tours of His Holiness Bhaktitirtha Swami’s childhood neighborhood, schools and city, Japa Trails, arts and crafts for children, games, delicious prasadam for three days, Friday meet ‘n’ greet; Saturday morning program, Saturday Vyas-puja ceremony and the Black Lotus Affair, an elegant Vaisnava dining experience (proper attire required), and Sunday Spiritual Family Reunion Day.


All prasadam meals, lodging and accommodations are included for only $108 per adult guest. Children 17 and under are free!


For more information, contact:

Agnihotra Devi Dasi

Email:  [email protected], Phone:  216-291-0992


Isopanisad Devi Dasi

Email:  [email protected] Phone:  330-784-5022


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