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Dolphins Granted Personhood by Government of India
By Mike Adams   |  Aug 10, 2013

Dolphins have been granted “non-human personhood” status by the government of India, making India the first nation in the world to recognize the unique intelligence and self-awareness of the cetacean order (a class of aquatic mammals).

The decision was announced by India’s Minister of the Environment and Forests which also outlawed captive dolphin shows. The ministry added that dolphins “should have their own specific rights.” (SOURCE)

Dolphins are extremely intelligent mammals with a highly-developed social structure. Recent research shows that dolphins call each other by name and can remember the unique name whistles from old “friends” heard just one time 20 years ago.

Dolphins choose their own unique name — a series of complex whistles — before they reach one year of age. From that point forward, all the other dolphins in their social group call them by that unique name.

Dolphins use highly-complex grammatical communications

Previous research has shown that dolphins have human-like self awareness and engage in highly complex communications with other dolphins using grammatical sentence structure. Yes, dolphins have their own complete language, much like humans. (See the Dolphin Communication Project.) The main difference between dolphin language and human language is that dolphins aren’t vaccinated as young children and injected with brain-damaging mercury. Therefore, dolphins grow up able to speak in fully coherent sentences while many humans now are cognitively deficient and unable to compose meaningful sentences. (They are literally brain damaged by vaccines, mercury fillings and toxic chemicals in foods, medicines and personal care products. Idiocracy has arrived!)

As this 1999 scientific paper on dolphin communication explains about a dolphin named “Ake:”

…the relation of thematic role to word order were firmly incorporated into Ake’s concepts of the grammar of the language, strongly suggesting knowledge of argument number. Overall, this set of findings underscores the robustnesss of comprehension by Ake of her learned language… [the test] required an understanding of grammatical and semantic relations and of pragmatic issues deriving from the link between thematic role and syntactic position.

Ake, in other words, is grammatically smarter than many adult humans as is evidenced by the fact that many human beings no longer have any ability to parse meaningful concepts from language and instead are nothing more than “hypnosis subjects” who punch chads at the voting booths and live on Cheetos and Gatorade.

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